Compensation paid to companies leaving the area and plot owners who give up ownership


Compensation paid to companies leaving the area and plot owners who give up ownership


The Contracting Board has paid out a good part of the compensation due to companies that have to leave Zorrotzaurre and to owners giving up ownership of their plots.

The Land Reorganisation Project set compensation at 47 million euros for the buildings to be demolished and for the companies, which have to leave their current installations in Zorrotzaurre due to the new uses defined in the Special Plan.

Of the above amount, the Contracting Board has already paid out 16 million euros. The rest of the compensation is to be paid before the end of 2018, in accordance with the agreements reached with a number of companies.

The Land Reorganisation Project also set a figure of 21 million euros to pay owners who give up ownership of their plots; 143 owners of 65 plots totalling around 60,000m2 or 15% of the area that makes up the Execution Unit 1 of the Zorrotzaurre Integrated Action Plan 1. The Contracting Board has already paid 19 million euros, with 2 million euros outstanding, pending receipt of the relevant invoices.

The payment of compensation is the starting point for the definitive departure of companies, the demolition of warehouses and factories and the decontamination of the ground.

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